Cinnamon: The Next-generation Integration Testing Tool for Salesforce


Do you have any custom UI pages or front-end customizations using Visualforce or JavaScript in your Salesforce organizations? Do you currently perform testing manually and want to eliminate time and cost for testing by developing automated integration/UI tests? Cinnamon is a new integration testing tool for Salesforce, built on the Salesforce1 Platform. It's a full-fledged testing solution that not only enables you to write browser-based automated tests in Apex, but also provides all the built-in support needed to execute your tests against various OS/Browser combinations in the cloud using a cloud service like Sauce Labs. Join us for an overview of the Cinnamon framework and learn how to use Cinnamon to write and run browser-based automated tests for custom UI pages in Salesforce. We'll also give you some tips and best practices to write robust and maintainable automated tests using real use cases.